moonpie madness movie blog

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

the new ones in quicktime

since im in norfolk, virginia, and people in norfolk, virginia never have time, im gonna give you the goodz in a quick manner. here are my thoughts on Octobers new ones:

Marie Antionette- (B, 83)

The Prestige- (B, 85)

Flags of our Father- (B+, 88)

The Black Dahlia- (C, 75)

All the Kings Men- (D, 66)

Fearless- (B+, 88)

School For Scoundrels- (c-, 70)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Man of the Year

a few days ago, Scott and I went to a screening of Robin Williams new film "man of the year". i was really hoping for one of two things (robin williams would be there, and maybe he'd be dressed up as mrs. doubtfire), neither of the two transpired, but i still enjoyed the film. It's a light comedy about a Jon Stewart-like comedian who decides to run for president, and then is accidentally elected becuase of a computer glitch. I had a good time until the last half an hour when things start to go down hill and it turns into a weird action chase flick. This movie does mark the first time that alien life form actors Christopher Walken and Jeff Goldblum share the screen, and it does make for some good footage (+Lewis Black is golden). sorta good.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Science of Sleep

I really want to tell people that this is an amazing movie, but its not. The imagery is beyond beautiful and Gael Garcia Bernal is great as always, however the story is not told with fluidity and lacks the warmth that most love stories have. I will say that the first half of the movie is solid, and it's only in the 3rd quarter that it starts to lose its momentum. If you are a fan of Michelle Gondry you will definitely appreciate this film, but you'll realize that it's not his best.